Allotment Garden Plots
Interested in growing food for your family?
Don't have enough space at your residence?
New to gardening?
Have mobility issues that prevent you from kneeling or bending to garden?
You have found the right place!
73 Allotment Gardens
We provide raised beds and in-ground plots for rent.
53 Raised Plots (4'x12')
20 In-ground Plots (10'x20')
Price: $40/year
Everything You Need
Provided with your plot rental:
Compost from the City of Olathe
Access to garden tools
Weekly yard waste bins
Help in garden planning
PLUS information from a K-State Master Gardener offered throughout the growing season
All plots are now reserved, but be sure to get on our waiting list when plots become available.
While you're waiting, join us in volunteer gardening in the Rows for the Hungry, and take home in-season produce in exchange for your time.
Waiting List
If you want to get on the waiting list in 2024, we would love to have you join us. Simply follow these instructions.
Contact Melissa Hanlin at
While we check for plot availability, review the application and rules.